A pivot refers to a significant change in a start-up's strategy in which the company realigns its business models, products or target markets in order to ensure success. The aim is to change direction without losing sight of the goal.
Why is a pivot necessary and what types of pivots are there?
Signs that a pivot is necessary
Apivot is often necessary when the current business model or product is not delivering the expected results. This may be due to a lack of market demand, strong competition or technological challenges. A pivot offers the opportunity to react to problems at an early stage and put the company on the road to success.
Sluggish customer acquisition
Ifit is difficult to attract new customers or growth rates are stagnating, a pivot may be necessary. This often indicates that the product or market is not sufficiently aligned with the needs of the target group.
Negative customer feedback
Ahigh proportion of negative feedback or low customer satisfaction may indicate that the product is not delivering the expected benefits. In such cases, a pivot can help to better adapt the product to customer expectations.
Difficulties with monetization
Ifthe company is struggling to generate revenue despite having a large user base, a business model pivot may be required. This may mean finding alternative sources of revenue or adjusting the pricing strategy.
Strong competitive pressure
Apivot may also be necessary if competition becomes more intense and the company has difficulty differentiating itself. A market or product pivot may be necessary here in order to reposition the company.
Types of pivots
Thereare different types of pivots, such as product pivots, market pivots or business model pivots. Each type aims to change different aspects of the business to better respond to market demands.

Strategies and methods for a successful pivot
Market research and customer feedback
Beforea pivot, it is crucial to conduct extensive market research and obtain customer feedback. This helps to understand the new needs and wishes of the target group and to make an informed decision.
Iterative testing
Apivot should not be seen as a one-off process, but requires constant testing and adjustment. Iterative tests help to validate the new direction and ensure that the pivot is successful.
Communication in the team
Asuccessful pivot requires clear communication within the team. All employees must understand the reasons for the pivot and support the new direction. This promotes acceptance and commitment to the change.
Resource management
Ina pivot, it is important to use the available resources efficiently. This includes both financial and human resources. A well-planned pivot ensures that no unnecessary costs are incurred and that the company remains able to operate.

Challenges and risks of a pivot
Uncertainty and risk
Apivot always involves a certain amount of risk, as the new direction is also uncertain. The challenge is to make informed decisions and minimize the risk through careful planning and testing.
Loss of customers or investors
Apivot can lead to a temporary loss of customers or investors who do not agree with the new direction. It is important to clearly communicate the benefits of the pivot to these stakeholders and involve them in the process.
Time and cost expenditure
Apivot takes time and can be costly, especially if large parts of the business model or product need to be changed. Companies must ensure that they have the necessary resources to carry out the pivot successfully.
Team motivation
Apivot can put a strain on the team, as it is often associated with uncertainty and additional tasks. Open communication and a clear vision are crucial to maintaining the team's motivation and commitment.
Examples of successful pivots
Instagramoriginally started as a check-in app called Burbn, similar to Foursquare. After realizing that the photo sharing feature received the most attention, the company pivoted and focused entirely on photo sharing. This pivot ultimately led to the platform's enormous success.
Netflixstarted out as a DVD rental service by post before the company switched to streaming content. This pivot towards a digital business model has made Netflix one of the leading providers in the entertainment industry.
Slackwas born out of a failed video game project called Glitch. During the development of the game, the team developed an internal communication tool that eventually became the main product. The pivot to a communication platform was extremely successful and made Slack a leading tool in corporate communication.
A pivot can be the key to putting a start-up on the road to success if the original business model is not delivering the desired results. Although a pivot is associated with risks, it also offers the opportunity to open up new markets, increase customer satisfaction and stabilize the company in the long term. However, successful pivots require careful planning, sound decisions and a willingness to take risks in order to fully exploit the company's potential.
When should a company consider a pivot?
A pivot should be considered if key business objectives are not achieved or if there are significant changes in the market that threaten the current business model.
How can you minimize the risk of a pivot?
The risk of a pivot can be minimized through thorough market research, small-scale testing of new approaches and clear communication with the team and stakeholders.
What is the difference between a pivot and a complete realignment?
A pivot is a targeted change to a specific aspect of the business model or product, whereas a complete realignment means a more comprehensive change to the entire corporate strategy.